tells How the Songwriter s Use of Figurative Language Impacts the Meaning of the Song Never Again
Language is a tool of communication used by people anywhere and every time. Now days people usually find a figurative language in daily life, for example in a lyric of song. Figurative language is a manner to express an idea in implicit mode. This research is trying to analyze the figurative languages which exist in the lyric of song "A Whole New Earth" and trying to discover out its meaning by analyzing its contextual pregnant. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The information instrument is the song lyric which taken from Genius website. The upshot showed that this song consist of some figurative languages, such every bit ingemination, simile, personification, metaphor, and hyperbole. Furthermore, the well-nigh figurative language used in the lyric is metaphor. It is highly relatable with the imaginative theme of the vocal itself. The contextual meaning of each figurative linguistic communication is also explained based on the situation of the lyric.
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(Professional Journal of English language Teaching) p–ISSN 2614-6320
Book 3, No. 4, July 2020 e–ISSN 2614-6258
An Analysis Of Figurative Linguistic communication Used In The Lyric Of "A Whole New World" By Zayn Malik And
Zhavia Ward|477
Siti Nursolihat i, Evie Kareviatitwo
1 IKIP Siliwangi
2 IKIP Siliwangi
ane, 2
Language is a tool of communication used by people anywhere and every time. Now days people
commonly find a figurative linguistic communication in daily life, for example in a lyric of song. Figurative language is
a fashion to limited an thought in implicit way. This research is trying to analyze the figurative languages
which exist in the lyric of vocal "A Whole New World" and trying to find out its significant past analyzing
its contextual meaning. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data instrument is the vocal lyric
which taken from Genius website. The consequence showed that this song consist of some figurative languages,
such as alliteration, simile, personification, metaphor, and hyperbole. Furthermore, the most figurative
language used in the lyric is metaphor. Information technology is highly relatable with the imaginative theme of the vocal
itself. The contextual meaning of each figurative language is besides explained based on the situation of the
Keywords: Figurative Language, Song Lyric, Contextual Meaning
Language is a tool of advice used by the people, orally or writing. Basic aim of
linguistic communication learning nowdays is communication and vocabulary plays an important role in
conversation (Komorowska, 2005) as cited in Nurdiansyah, Asyid, & Parmawati (2019).
(2019).Taking and giving information, interacting with the people are function of communication.
It means language takes highly essential role since in daily life the people interact to each other
everywhere and whenever. However talk virtually language, Sugiono (2013) as cited in
(Nurcitrawati, Kareviati, & Atmawidjaja, 2019) stated that literally information technology's not enough to
understand but the course of language and the pronunciation, considering it requires to understand
the meaning. For that reason in this modern era people communicate in various way includes
talks through literature such as poetry, novel and vocal lyric which commonly the messages or
the real pregnant of the words are implicit by using figurative linguistic communication. Co-ordinate to Harya,
(2017) Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is
dissimilar from the literal interpretation. So that inferring meaning of the words or expression is
needed, because it may not understandable if the words interpreted literally by the meaning in
the lexicon.
Song is extremely pop right at present since the people generally love to listen to information technology. Co-ordinate
to Apsari (2012), by using songs the students tend to exist more agile in the teaching and learning
process. Beside the rhythm, its lyric also becomes the consideration of the reason why people
similar a song because lyrics offer a thoughtful agreement about the vocal's message. Recently
song from Zayn Malik and Zhavia Ward entitled A Whole New Globe is admittedly famous,
since it come up every bit a soundtrack of Alladin movie which produced by Disney and released in 2019.
Book 3, No. 4, July 2020 pp 477-482
478 | An Analysis Of Figurative Linguistic communication Used In The Lyric Of "A Whole New World" By Zayn Republic of malik
And Zhavia Ward
Many people from around the earth listen to it and even cover information technology. Still, it is found that the
composer write the lyric in boggling way by using some figurative language.
Previously there are some studies that as well talks virtually figurative linguistic communication in a vocal. For
instance, Padillah et al., (2016) with her journal entitled "Figurative Language Used in One
Direction's Album Entitled Upwardly All Nighttime". Information technology was concluded that Up All Nighttime Anthology which
released in 2012 consist of six types of figurative language. Those are repetition, parallelism,
personification, metaphor, simile as well hyperbole. Abreast it, Stiawati & Maryani (2018)
conducted the similar research entitled "An Assay of Figurative Language in Taylor Swift'due south
Song Lyrics". In the outcome it was constitute that in that location were vii figurative language westward here
hyperbole and simile go the most dominant one.
For that reason the writer is interested to analyze the types of figurative language that used in
the vocal in order to find out the figurative language used and the most takeast in A Whole New
Globe and thenng's lyric and also to find out its contextual pregnant. According to Ulman in
Ardhyanti & Supriyatiningsih, (2020) contextual pregnant can be said every bit the meaning of words
that are establish in particular situation. So that, contextual significant is the significant comes from
the certain situation and context which it may has different meaning in other situation. This
study is expected to lead people to the better understanding of the song peculiarly A Whole
New World. Because information technology is believed the better people understand the lyric, the more people savor
the vocal and the music.
This is a descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research works with a broad range of data
including recorded interviews, various types of texts, documents, and images. Qualitative data
assay usually is done with words Kaswan, Dasep Suprijadi, (2016) This research is designed
to find some figurative language in song A Whole New Earth and to interpret its significant.
It means this research is simply focused on words and meaning, information technology is not using statistical method
in analyzing data.
Descriptive qualitative is a research which tends to use not numerical information and focuses on
meaning making. related to that, Sandelowski (2000) as cited in Seixas et al., (2018)said that
descriptive qualitative differs from other types of qualitative research, thursdaydue east descriptive rather
than interpretive in focus. Since it focus es on the analysis data, usually the result is a
comprehensive summarization.
Data is a foundation of a study since information is a collection of information which will exist analyzed.
The source of data for this research is taken from Genius ("ZAYN & Zhavia Ward – A Whole
New World (End Title) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics," n.d.) the steps of analysis data were identifying
the types of figurative language based on the theory, finding out its meaning past analyzing its
contextual meaning and finally making conclusion.
RESULTS AND Give-and-take
In that location are some figurative languages plant in the lyric A Whole New World, such as metaphor,
simile, hyperbole and alliteration. However in the tabular array beneath showed that metaphor is the
figurative language that frequently comes upward in this lyric. The result of the assay is as follow.
Volume iii, No. iv, July twenty20 pp 477-482
An Analysis Of Figurative Language Used In The Lyric Of "A Whole New World" By Zayn Malik And
Zhavia Ward |479
shining, shimmering, splendid
Soaring, thumbling, freewheeling
I'thousand like a shooting star
A new fantastic point of view
It's crystal clear
through an endles diamond heaven
with a new horizon to pursue
I tin can show you the world
A hundred thousand things to see
The contextual meaning of figurative linguistic communication
The vocal entitled A Whole New Globe is one of legfinish vocal from Disney which now nosotros know
as Aladin's soundtrack. Actually it is released for the first time in 1992. According to CNN
Indonesia (Betimesym, 2019) this song is e'er got rewards in 1993. It was Oscar Trophy for
category the best original song and Grammy Bays for category vocal of the twelvemonth. Nonetheless A
Whole New World vocal is remade again in 2019 with new rhythm and this new version is sung
by Zayn Malik and Zhavia Ward. This song is having imaginative theme which generally talk
almost how the way Aladin shows the liberty to the princess who always live in a castle. The
song illustrate how beautiful the world and the princess fells amazed of what she run into. A whole
new globe as a title of this song means a globe that is merely seen by the princess. It is a new
world for her since she never exit from the castle earlier. This song contains some figurative
languages, such equally alliteration, metaphor, simile, personification and hyperbole.
Moreover, metaphor is figurative language that the most repeatedly come upward in this song's
lyrics, the percent reaches 40% meanwhile the others are only ten% to 20%. As we know
that metaphor is kind of analogy figurative language for that reason no wonder if the writer employ
metaphor for humany times since this song is an imaginative song, which is an imagination of a
princess and Aladin in a flying carpet. The more detailed explanation virtually figurative linguistic communication
found in A Whole New Earth song'south lyric is every bit follow.
Book 3, No. four, July 2020 pp 477-482
480 | An Analysis Of Figurative Language Used In The Lyric Of "A Whole New World" Past Zayn Malichiliad
And Zhavia Ward
Alliteration is office of figures of sound. (Fitria, 2018) stated that "Ingemination is the repetition
of the initial consonant in 2 or more than words ". Normally the repetition is in consonant words
meanwhile the aim of this figurative language is to convey a particular effect, to create a
beautiful sentence, or to emphasize. There are two lines of A Whole New World's lyric which
use ingemination. Those are:
shining shimmering splendid. it is classified every bit alliteration since the constant audio
'S' is being repeated at the starting time of the word. This line is describing the globe and
how beautiful information technology is.
soaring, thumbling, freewheeling. It is besides alliteration because the ending 'ing'
repeated. This line is describing the up and down of the journey.
Simile is mostly the comparison of two things essentially unlike, on the footing of a
resemblance in one aspect. Simile uses connective word such as word "similar" and "every bit" to
compare the similarity (Nurhaida & Marlina, 2017)This figurative language tries to compare
the things by using connective discussion. This is commonly used to bright and empower the writing. the
line which use simile is:
I'g like a shootink star in the vocal is classified every bit simile, because It'due south comparison
herself to a shooting star with the give-and-take 'like'. This line means that she can't back to
the place where she used to exist, before she comes to the new place. It's like a shooting
star, once it comes to the earth it cannot go back to the heaven.
Metaphor is also part of figures of similarity. (Setiawati & Maryani, 2018)stated that "Metaphor
is a variety of analogy which compares 2 things direct" which means this figurative
language is actually a chip resembled with simile. But metaphor is directly comparison without
using connection word. There are ii lines using metaphor in this lyric. Those lines are:
A whole new earth. it is comparing the exterior of the castle and the new globe.
however really there is no new world. it is called a new earth because the princess
never see it before sinceastward the princess always stay at the castle. The castle is like an old
world for her and the outside is a new world.
A new fantastic point of view. This line is a bit similar to the previous line " a whole
new earth". This is comparison the exterior of castle that merely the princess know to the
new point of view which is it looks then fantastic for the pricess.
information technology's crystal clear. The line is comparing the articulate view of world when Aladin was on
the carpet with the clear crystal. Information technology tries to say that the globe looks then clear and beautiful
such a crystal.
through an endless diamond heaven. it is comparing the star to diamond directly as we
know that star and the diamond has the similarity which is brilliant and sparkling. Information technology's
hateful the sky is full of star and sparkling like a diamond.
Personification is the figurative language that use human characteristics into an abstruse
quality for case It gives animals or objects ideas as if they tin can act and perform the actions
like human beings, (Fitria, 2018). So personification is trying to illustrate that inhuman tin can do
what human do, which in fact it is impossible. The line of lyric which using personification is:
Volume 3, No. iv, July 2020 pp 477-482
An Analysis Of Figurative Language Used In The Lyric Of "A Whole New World" By Zayn Malik And
Zhavia Ward |481
With new horizons to pursue. The lyric shows equally if horizon is able to run like homo
until they should pursue it. Literally the horizon is won't going anywhere, information technology stay in its
identify. And then that it tin can be concluded that it is personification, which means there are many
things to see in the globe.
According to Padillah et al., (2016)it is said that "Hyperbole is kind of figurative language that
is used to make the object become bigger than real object" It tin can be ended that hyperbole
is overstatement, exaggeration and sometimes it is not realistic an, and usually it is used for
catching reader's intention. There are found four hyperbole in this lyric`
I tin can show you the world. in this line, it doesn't hateful that the man tin show the world
in real to the girl. It ways he can show many things to her but it stated in extraordinary
way to show that the human tin can do many things for the girl.
A hundred grand things to see. The pregnant of this line is so many things to run across.
Information technology tin can be seen that it prove the overstatement. Because in real the things to encounter is
This study analyzed the vocal which is beingness famous lately. It was Aladin Soundtrack entitled
A Whole New Globe, a new version one, that is sung by Zayn Malik and ZhaviaWard. Based
on the data on the discussion part above, information technology was institute that this song contains some figurative
languages namely: ingemination, simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole. However
metaphor is the most used amidst the other figurative languages. As we know that metaphor is
a figurative language of similarity as well as simile. So that information technology tin be ended that the
composer or song writer tried to describe and to testify how cute the globe is by using
metaphor figurative language. After all for the better understanding, the contextual pregnant is
used to identify the significant of each figurative linguistic communication of this song. For that reason hopefully
the listener will get the improve experience for when listening this song.
The highest gratitude and thanks to Allah SWT for miving us strength, health and motivation in
finishing this. This article entitled "An Analysis of Figurative Language Idue north Song A Whole New
World Past Zayn Malik And Zhavia Ward" which is submitted as a final requirements at English
Educational activity Programme, in IKIP Siliwangi Bandung.
The writers say a lot of thank to everybody who support united states all this time, peculiarly to Ms. Evie
Kareviati, M.Pd. who guide us to write this article, and unforgettable to my colleagues who
have support us in various ways.
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Zayn & Zhavia Ward – A Whole New Earth (End Title) Lyrics | Genius Lyrics. (Due north.D.).
... Information technology implies that language is used to communicate ideas, suggestions, or comments, whether written or spoken. Sugiono (2013) equally cited in Nursolihat & Kareviati (2020) stated that literally, it's not enough to understand but the form of language and the pronunciation, considering it requires understanding the meaning. For this reason, people in the modernistic era collaborate in a number of means, including discussions through literature such as verse, novels, and song lyrics, which are typically implied in the messages or apply figurative linguistic communication to express the actual significant of the words. ...
... Many theories of figurative language have been proposed past experts, but the writer in this study uses Kennedy'southward theory. According to Kennedy (1991) as cited in Nursolihat & Kareviati (2020) identifies eleven dissimilar forms of figurative expression. The following forms of figurative language will be discussed in relation to this study and used to analyze the results: ...
... Qualitative data analysis is typically conducted with the words. Kaswan & Suprijadi (2016) as cited in Nursolihat & Kareviati (2020). The aim of this research is to find and clarify some figurative linguistic communication in the song "grenade". ...
- Maudy Yaser Fajrin
- Aseptiana Parmawati
Individuals use linguistic communication equally a means of communication everywhere and at all times. In today's world, figurative language is often encountered in everyday life, such as in song lyrics. Figurative linguistic communication is a way of describing something without proverb it direct. This research aims to investigate the figurative languages institute in the lyrics of the vocal "Grenade" by analyzing their context and attempting to decipher their meaning. The data tool is song lyrics establish on the internet, and the inquiry arroyo is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results revealed that this album employs figurative language such as metaphor, hyperbole, and repetition. Furthermore, the near figurative words used in the lyrics is hyperbole. Each figurative linguistic communication's contextual sense is often clarified in relation to the lyric's situation. Keywords: Figurative Language, Song lyrics, Contextual Meaning
... The figurative language combined in both musical compositions contained simile, metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, irony, and personification. Nursolihat and Kareviati (2020) discovered that metaphor was prominent occurred in Zayn Malik and Zhavia Ward's A Whole New Globe. On the other hand, simile and repetition were the nearly intermittent categories of figuration in Katy Perry's Roar (Zama et al., 2019). ...
... Hyperbole also takes interest in the song by exaggerating a situation equally if it is possible to happen or exist, whether it is not. Information technology is in line with the report (Nursolihat & Kareviati, 2020), highlighting hyperbole equally language means to create an object more extensive than the actual one. Burgers et al. (2016) also draw a situation that hyperbole requires gross distortion when defining something better than it is. ...
A pop song is 1 of the popular genres widespread in society. The label 'popular' is used as it covers a various range of masses, started from pre-dominantly youth to developed, that target them as the market. To the extent of the popular meaning, a vocal is supported with attracting music video clips, entertaining musical instruments, and lyrics that make an habit by turning the repeat manner on a music player. Regardless, no all of the songs carried by singers incorporate lyric meanings of what they indeed seem. They thus frequently embed figurative features of the linguistic communication to fit the context of a vocal. The figurative linguistic communication feature is a variety of language that authors operate to convey out of the comprehension of literal pregnant. It and so involves no surface context instead of a deep one. Therefore, this descriptive qualitative analysis study was conducted to investigate how figurative linguistic communication features carry and influence the meaning behind BLACKPINK-Selena Gomez's song Ice Cream. The findings showed that metaphor (48%) was the most frequent figure spotted in the musical discourse, followed respectively by simile (28%), hyperbole (12%), and repetition (12%). It indicated the song was intended to convey the lyrics contained no real-context meanings that can cause misleading or even exist puzzlement if the listeners cannot comprehend the song as a whole. Therefore, further research may comprehensively consider this issue with different perspectives to broaden the language field.
- Stella Vania Ardhyanti
- Supriyatiningsih Supriyatiningsih
Figurative language is the ways to show the writer's thought use the special word, which take hidden meaning of information technology. This research analyzed Celine Dion's songs, they are Fly and Falling into You. The objectives of this research are to find out the types of figurative language and meanings of the figurative language in Celine Dion's songs. The writers accept two songs from this anthology, they are Fly and Falling into Y'all. The method of this research was qualitative descriptive. The data were taken from website. Figurative language that the writers found in this research were half dozen metaphors, two symbolisms, two imageries, two similes and one personification. In the Wing vocal in that location were four metaphors, and one symbolism. Besides in the Falling into Y'all song in that location were two metaphors, 1 symbolism, 2 imageries, ii similes, and one personification. The writers found the subconscious pregnant of these 2 songs. The Wing vocal told nearly parents who express deep sadness at the loss of her child. While, the Falling into You song told about someone who show his/her felling to someone they loved.Keywords: Figurative Language, Vocal Lyrics, Contextual Pregnant
- Wilya Setiawati
- Maryani Maryani
This research is entitled An Analysis of Figurative Linguistic communication in Taylor Swift'southward song lyrics information technology aims to know the types of figurative language that are used in Taylor swift lyrics and depict the contextual meaning of the figurative language used in Taylor'southward lyrics. The research data is obtained from ii songs from one albumof Taylor Swift. The album titled Cherry-red with three songs taken entitles Red and 22. This research uses descriptive qualitative method in observation and library research in collecting information of this enquiry. Figurative language found consists of simile, metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, irony and personification. In this enquiry, these findingsshow that hyperbole is the most dominant in Taylor Swift'southward song and based on the contextual meaning of overall song lyrics of Taylor Swift tell about conflict, pain heart and securely treachery.Keywords: vocal, lyric, figurative language, contextual meaning
Error analysis is a way to investigate errors in the second or foreign linguistic communication conquering. This written report of error (error analysis) is part of an investigation of the process of English linguistic communication learning. This research volition find the kind of error analysis establish in students' writing composition in the aspects of grammar, punctuation, and spelling and to find the most dominant kind of error analysis constitute in students' writing composition of unproblematic time to come tense. This enquiry used the qualitative research to collect empirical data from the students' written. By using this method, the data would be accurately nerveless. The object of the enquiry is fifteen students' writing composition which taken from 15 students of S1 Accounting STIE AAS Surakarta. The upshot of assay shows that the students' error in writing composition of uncomplicated time to come tense consists of three aspects of writing. Offset, in grammar, punctuation and spelling. In grammer attribute, in that location are errors in some points of class word like in noun (21 data or 36,84 %), determiner/article (2 data or 3,51 %), pronoun (1 information or 1,75 %), preposition (xv data or 26,32 %) and verb (18 information or 31,58 %), then the most ascendant mistake in grammar aspect is noun. Second, in punctuation (16 information or 17,xx%). 3rd, in spelling (20 information or 21,51%). Based on the frequency of each attribute of mistake writing shows that the about ascendant error found in the students' writing composition is in the aspect of grammar as 57 data or 61,29.
- Trisna Dinillah Dinillah Harya
The title of this written report is, "An Analysis of Figurative Languages Used in Paulo Coelho's novel Entitled "The Alchemist". The objectives of the study are to draw the types of the figurative language plant in the volume and to identify the contextual pregnant of the figurative linguistic communication. The method used in collecting the data related to the subject of this research is documentation method because the researcher collected the data from novel. This written report was conducted by collecting any relevant information and information about the topic or problem of the study from novels and internet that are bachelor for the analysis. The information collection used the following steps: reading the novel, and so selecting the data that used the types of figurative language. While the steps to clarify the data are identifying the types of figurative language according to Leech, identifying the contextual meaning of the figurative linguistic communication, and the last is interpreting the information.The result shows that there are 70 sentences that take figurative language. From all the sentences, there are 30 items or 42.ix% of simile, 27 items or 38.six% of personification, 12 items or of metaphor, and i item or 1.4% of hyperbole. It tin exist indicated that the dominant type of figurative language in the novel is simile. The author uses simile to explain circumstances, to describe the characters, to express emotion of the characters, and to make his writing more bright and entertaining. Information technology can be concluded that figurative language has of import roles in this novel. That'south why the author used then many sentences that have figurative language in this novel. Using figurative linguistic communication makes the novel more interesting to read, and helps the readers to imagine the story, the character based on the illustration that the author has already given in the story.
International comparative studies constitute a highly valuable contribution to public policy enquiry. Analysing dissimilar policy designs offers not simply a hateful of knowing the miracle itself but also gives us insightful clues on how to meliorate existing practices. Although much of the work carried out in this realm relies on quantitative appraisal of the data contained in international databases or collected from institutional websites, countless topics may only non be studied using this type of methodological design due to, for instance, the lack of reliable databases, thin or diffuse sources of information, etc. Here so nosotros hash out the employ of the qualitative descriptive arroyo every bit a methodological tool to obtain data on how policies are structured. We propose the apply of online qualitative surveys with cardinal stakeholders from each relevant national context in order to recollect the fundamental pieces of data on how a certain public policy is addressed at that place. Starting from Sandelowski's seminal paper on qualitative descriptive studies, nosotros conduct a theoretical reflection on the current methodological proffer. We contend that a researcher engaged in this endeavour acts like a composite-sketch creative person collecting pieces of information from witnesses in order to depict a valid depiction of reality. Furthermore, we discuss the most relevant aspects involving sampling, data collection and data assay in this context. Overall, this methodological design has a not bad potential for allowing researchers to expand the international analysis of public policies to topics hitherto footling appraised from this perspective.
Teaching English Vocabulary Through Songs
- Y Apsari
Apsari, Y. (2012). Educational activity English language Vocabulary Through Songs. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Using Color Coding To Improve Students'english Vocabulary Power
- Five Nurcitrawati
- E Kareviati
- North Atmawidjaja
- D M R Nurdiansyah
- S A Asyid
- A Parmawati
Nurcitrawati, V., Kareviati, E., & Atmawidjaja, North. (2019). Figurative Linguistic communication Analysis In Disney Songs. Project (Professional person Periodical Of English language Education), two(4), 494. Nurdiansyah, D. M. R., Asyid, S. A., & Parmawati, A. (2019). Using Colour Coding To Amend Students'english Vocabulary Power. Project (Professional Journal Of English language Education), ii(three), 358-363.
An Assay Of Figurative Language In Views (Opinion Cavalcade) Of Online Padang Ekspres Paper
- Nurhaida
- 50 Marlina
Nurhaida, & Marlina, 50. (2017). An Assay Of Figurative Language In Views (Stance Column) Of Online Padang Ekspres Newspaper. E-Journal Of English language & Literature, half dozen(2).
Simile, Hyperbole, Personification And Metaphor Used In Gayle Forman's If I Stay
- Eastward N Padillah
- H Firmawan
- E Purwaningsih
Padillah, E. N., Firmawan, H., & Purwaningsih, E. (2016). Simile, Hyperbole, Personification And Metaphor Used In Gayle Forman's If I Stay. Jurnal Ilmiah Sastra, 4(1), 69-78.
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